Jumat, 12 Januari 2007

Forms made easy...finally!

Once upon a time I used to have my email address posted on my websites. For a while it worked just fine.

Then, of course, I started getting spam. Ack!

Then I started looking all over the internet and asking people how I could make a contact form for my Cafepress store and blog and anything else I do online.

Someone suggested a service that I tried to sign up for. I got lost in the part where I had to put info into a database.

Then I learned how hard it was to make forms. I never did get it and didn't have the patience to learn. I'd rather pay someone else at this point I was so frustrated.

Then one day when David Miles was working on my new store design we got talking about forms. I said I really wanted one & begged him to make me one.

To my delight, he suggested Wufoo. A site that makes making your own forms easy, fast, and (believe it or not) fun!

No really, it's fun! Even for me. So David told me about it and I made some forms. Just like that. They have a free service for a basic form and other paid packages if you want more forms or image uploading capability. You can design your form, then get a simple chunk of HTML to paste wherever you like, including your Cafepress store.

And as if they weren't cool enough, they sent me a holiday card thanking me for my business. Awww. They are by far one of the most useful, well-designed, easy, and affordable web services I've ever used.

And so, I lived happily ever after.

One, two, three cheers for Wufoo!

Oh, and if you want to see some of my shiny new forms in action, here ya go:

Contact BusyBodies
Contact ModPillows
Contact Creative Gumption
Join the iPose Club!

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