Senin, 16 April 2007

ModPillows featured in Daily Candy today!

I love candy. But what I love almost as much as the real thing is my daily dose of what's "the next big thing" in my in-box delivered fresh and free by And today, I'd have to say, Daily Candy's got me more excited than a box of chocolates on my lap!

For the past couple of years I've enjoyed their cleverly written reviews & links to little known websites with fabulous products I often bookmark to buy later. I've often wondered, "would they ever consider featuring one of my products?"

Once again the phrase, "It never hurts to ask" has paid off...big time.

I happened to email the folks at Daily Candy at the beginning of the year to let them know about my new pillow shop, and had since forgotten about it, continued to build my site and add designs.

Now you can't pay to be in Daily Candy, nor can you bribe them with gifts (it even says so on their web site!), so imagine my surprise when their Dallas editor emailed me a couple weeks ago, saying Daily Candy wanted to do a story on my ModPillows. I just about fainted on a nearby ModPillow!

So after a nice phone call from one of their fact checkers last Friday I was excited to know my creations would be featured in the Dallas edition of Daily Candy on Monday, April 16th, 2007. Today's the big day and I want to shout out a big thanks and virtual hug to the folks at Daily Candy. I'm honored ModPillows was chosen to join the ranks of your past picks.

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