Sabtu, 23 September 2006

"Does CafePress Suck?" A blog post worth reading...

Though I don't care to use that "s" word myself in polite conversation, it is the topic of this post.

I've been all over the internet this week. Reading forums, exploring blogs, uploading some new designs to my CafePress store, starting a new blog (I'll announce that later!), learning more about blogging from Dave Taylor (really, you must sign up for his weekly's a gem!), and recovering from a cold (yay, fall in Minnesota!) when I came across this blog today: thebrooke:theblog.

How could I resist a post titled, "CafePress Sucks"? Though it starts out as a bit of a rant about what a "rip off" CafePress is, read on & you'll find quite an interesting conversation emerging from the post that began at the end of July this summer. People came out of the woodwork to comment, cheer & jeer various print on demand companies. Casey, the president of a young, but growing print on demand company, Printfection, even posted a challenge for anyone to take. You'll have to read the post to see his offer!

The writer (or should I say, "the brooke") continues the post into a "Part Two" and actually has plans to review several other print-on-demand companies similar to CafePress. It's a good read and worth checking out if anything, to see who else is out there and what a few people are saying about them.

In the meantime I'm continuing to grow my CafePress stores and will be opening shop with Printfection soon. I'll begin coverage of my experience with them in this blog as well and can hopefully offer some tutorials similar to my CafePress tutorials eventually, too.

So, does CafePress stink (we'll be polite now)? My answer can be read on thebrooke's blog.

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