Senin, 11 Agustus 2008

Dirty Laundry: The art of stain in modern T-shirt design

I ran across an article today about this upcoming art exhibition at the Nuuanu Gallery At Marks Center, Hawaii. It's sponsored by Cotton, Inc. and starts September 5th, 2008.

From the site:
"The exhibition is more than a venue for artist designed T-shirts, but also a visual forum for discussion as to how things thought to be ruined can be given value again."

Artists in the exhibition were each given 6 shirts, to "stain" with the medium of their choice. Once stained, the artists' assignment was to create a custom design, using the shape & size of the stain as an integral part of the design.

I hope to find pictures of them once the show is open! I thought it might be a fun way to develop shirt designs for print on demand. Make a stain on fabric or an ink splash on paper, scan it in & use it as a starting point for a design.

The website invites others to host their own Dirty Laundry event in their town. To learn more or to host your own Dirty Laundry event, contact the curators (visit their contact section)
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