Rabu, 31 Desember 2008

Torvalds' gift for the Linux community... The new Kernel 2.6.28

Actually, it was on the 25th of december. Linus Torvalds plays Santa clause and released a gift for all Linux users. It's the New Kernel.

Ext4 :
The most important thing in this relase is EXT4 the new Filesystem of Linux which will be :
  • Compatible with the old EXT3 : you can have and ext4 partition as if you have a ext3 one.
  • Larger filesystem : The capacity of this FS was extended to be able to support 1 Exbibyte and files of 16 TiB ( about 16 000 Gigabytes). The number of possible used directories was extended to 64000.
  • Journal Checksums : The Journal (a file containing the changes of a hard disk) will be using a new technique which will improve the reliability of the disk by cheking the occurence of anyy error during the processing of saving data.
You can check this link fo further informations

Graphic performances :
The release of the new GEM (Graphics Execution Mananger). This piece of software will take care of the graphic chipset ressources and how to exploit them for different multimedia applications. This GEM will improve the graphic performance of you graphic card.
Some improvments were made to KVM. It's the part of the kernel that take care about virtualisation for some architectures like intel-V and AMD-V. It will allow the machine the possibility to seperate several systems without restarting and the possibility to use some pieces of software that don't exist on the HOST system.

Many improved drivers specially for USB and Wirless devices. The tree of these drivers was considered as stable.

As a conclusion, the new Linux has many new features. Will they be adopted by the different distributions ?

References :
Site du zero news article.
Kernel.org changelog

Jumat, 26 Desember 2008

The status of the engineer in Tunisia

In order to find out the status of the engineer in Tunisia we will try to answer these questions:

Who`s he ? What does he do?

How much does he earn ?

What is his image in society?

What does he suffer from ?

What are the potentials of this career in Tunisia ?


An engineer is a person professionally engaged in a field of engineering. Engineers are concerned with developing economical and safe solutions to practical problems, by applying mathematics and scientific knowledge while considering technical constraints. As such, the work of engineers is the link between perceived needs of society and commercial applications. Some consider this profession to be the link between art and science.

wikipedia definition


joblessness and overexploitation :

Some statistics of a study made on 4763 young graduated students in 2005 after 18 months from their graduation

Financial status

  • For newly graduated engineers with no experience the wage is from 800TD to 1200TD.
  • After 5 to 10 years of experience the wage can touch the 1500TD to 2000TD.
  • Earnings mainly depends on years of experience, certifications and of course the engineer himself. Once he proves to his boss his skills and abilities, he can renegotiate his salary.

The gap between Tunisia and Europe in wages

  • In France, the salary of a newly graduated engineer is from 2000€ to 2800€ ( 3600TD to 5000TD).
  • In the end of his career, a well experienced engineer can touch 6000 € (10800 TD).
  • The standard of life is very different. The daily needs are expensive in Europe compared to what is available inTunisia but still an engineer in Europe is better remunerated.
  • The evolution of the engineer in Europe and USA is faster. In fact, occidental companies evaluate talent and take it into consideration.
  • The competition between these companies to have the best members in their crew make the salary negotiation more simple and efficient.
  • In conclusion, Tunisian engineers won`t skip the chance to travel and work abroad . Consequently, Tunisia lose many skilled engineers and this is just a sample of a wider phenomenon called `Brain Brand`.

Social status

57,2% of higher education students are female (www.universites.tn)

30% of working engineers are female(2004 statistics INS)

  • conclusion : The society consider engineering as a masculine job

To proceed in explaining the social status of the engineer Tunisia we will use a study made by Raoudha Ben Othmen a professor in the university of Tunis:


  • 180 secondary school students aged 15-16
  • 180 primary school pupils

Tools :

  1. Questionnaire
  2. Draw me an engineer test
  3. Teacher led class discussions

N=140 Questionnaires (45% boys and 55%girls)


  • No major difference between children and teenagers’ drawings.
  • None of the drawings contained a picture of a woman.
  • Most drawn engineers have glasses, are middle-aged, look scruffy wear a lab coat and hold some kind of tool.
  • Some pictures contained a working bench

Class discussions

  • Teachers seem to have naive ideas about engineers and engineering.
  • Teachers did not give the children the name of a famous modern engineer. Most of the examples are old (Graham Bell)
  • In leading the class discussions about future careers, teachers allocated more turns to boys than to girls
  • In leading class discussions about studying engineering, teachers seemed to allocate turns equally between girls and boys

Tests conclusions

  • Students and teachers hold naive conceptions of engineering
  • The necessity to enhance the image of engineers and specifically of the working environment
  • Both male and female students are determined to choose other lucrative careers than engineering


  • Many foreign companies choose to invest in Tunisia due to the low taxation and labor cost.
  • The Tunisian government aims to attain 7000 engineers in 2011-2012.
  • Many Mega projects are scheduled in Tunisia as ` The Mediterranean gate` which will host hundreds of companies.


All the figures are showing the fact of the promising future of engineering as a profession in Tunisia. However, many laws and interventions have to be made in order to protect the engineer`s rights and ameliorate his status and his image is society.

Diapositive 1

Senin, 08 September 2008

Google Chrome

Google Chrome Review


Before i start, let me just say that the only browsers i use are firefox (THE Browser) and IE (just to check if the pages that i develop appear correctly and work). So, in advance, i’m sorry if i point some feature in google Chrome that already exists natively in other browser.

Yesterday i finally got access to Google Chrome Download Page, some time after the anouncement made on google’s official blog. The expectation was high and Google didn’t disappoint.

First, the installation is very quick. I went to http://www.google.com/chrome , Clicked the big blue button, downloaded a setup file, and chrome was installed in no time. Simple, quick, straight to the point.

First thing i noticed: The speed!!! The browser loads in a flash (not like firefox that, at least in my computer, takes a little time to load). When i started to browse some pages, i was astonished with the load speed.

Like google explained in the google chrome presentation comic book, chrome uses one process for each tab. This has several advantages. The ones that i best remember are:

  • If a page crashes, only that page is closed, not the browser;
  • When we don’t need a page, the process of that tab is closed and the memory allocated is released.
After this i decided to explore the developer suport that the browser offered. Well, i was amazed because chrome is only a beta and already has several features that are really useful. All of this without installing any plugin.
The dom inspector makes me remember Firebug. Can inspect every element and, at the same time, travel through the dom and see the styles aplied to each element. Yes, we already have this feature in firefox using firebug, but in chrome this feature is native, thats the beauty of it.
For javascript i found a console and a text mode debugger. I didn’t spent any time exploring them. Maybe one of this days i’ll take a few hours to explore this tools.
Finally two features that are really handy (at least for me):
  • native language corrector (it has some bugs, but this is only a beta, i give a discount).
  • element inspector in the right context menu.
Google Chrome surprised me. Fast, Simple, Lite. Can be both a browser for the common internet user, has it can be a browser for a developer. Google exceeded my expectations and proved, once more, to be a company that studies the market and knowns what the users want.
Chrome is going to be a first choice for now on. I’m official Chromed!!! I hope that future releases bring more and more new features to help improve even more this browser.

Download Google Chrome at http://www.google.com/chrome

Source: http://nunos.zi-yu.com


to download google chrome and use visit: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2008/09/google-chrome-now-live.html or view this also


some draw back of this all.

its only available for windows.

no extra plug in can be downloaded now for this.

google toolbar is not with this neither it can be downloaded till yet with this.

some times it seems using some features of IE8.0

Senin, 01 September 2008

Search Engine Marketing: What to Look for in an SEO Consultant

Author: Terry Stanfield

When you want to add some search engine optimized content to your website it's probably a good idea to hire a professional SEO consultant. A professional SEO consultant can help you decide what services you need in order to overhaul your existing website to make it more search engine optimized and to implement some search engine marketing. A consultant can also tell you what percentage of content you need to have on your site and what Meta tags to use.

If you have never used any search engine optimization on your site at all then you will definitely need to hire an experienced consultant to make sure that your site gets a complete search engine optimization makeover. Many consultants offer more services than just content so if you already have a professional copy writer you should ask that writer if he or she also does consultations or provides other services.

If you need to start looking for an SEO consultant here are some tips on selecting one. When you are considering a consultant ask to see previous examples of any SEO content that person has written but also ask to see websites that the person has written for. After all, the point of hiring someone is to get your website noticed, isn't it? So you need to see some of the websites that the they worked on in order to know for sure that they can deliver high quality search enegine marketing services.

A good way to tell if a web site that the SEO consultant has worked on is really doing well in search engine rankings and drawing traffic is to look on the Alexa website. You can enter the name of the website or the website address and see the search engine ranking for that particular website over a period of months, weeks and days. If that site is doing well then they are experienced enough to provide quality SEO services but if the site is ranked very low or doesn't get a lot of hits then you might want to look for another consultant.

Another way that you can tell if the consultant that you're considering hiring is of high quality is by what his or her rates are. Someone who has high rates but a poor portfolio probably hasn't been working very long and might not have the skills that you need to increase your web site traffic. If the consultant's rates are very low then he or she might be trying to build up a portfolio of work which shows inexperience.

You should always be willing to pay a fair rate for SEO services just like you would be for any other professional services. Don't expect to get great SEO services for next to nothing. This is your business and your business is important so it's worth investing the money for quality work.

About the Author:

Before you start an SEO Marketing campaign, go to Terry Stanfield's site for information on SEO Management and more on ppc management.

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Senin, 25 Agustus 2008

3 Must Do to Get Your Affiliate Marketing Site to the Top Search Engine Position

Author: Kelvin Lee

Having your website shown in the top search engine position for some of the important keywords can make a big difference in your business. It can bring you tremendous amount of free traffic that can boost your sales and bring your affiliate marketing business to a whole new level.

In fact, getting a top search engine position for your site does not require a lot of experience. It can be done by any affiliate marketers irregardless of their experience level. All you need is to have access to some of the secrets and keep on putting the secrets to practice to see results. It is worth the effort as it is definitely of great help to your affiliate marketing business.

Here are some of the technique to get your affiliate marketing site to the top ten search engine position

1) Increase the number of back link: In order to get top search engine position, you ought to create as many back links as possible to your affiliate marketing site. You can do so through submitting articles to hundreds of article directories sites. Participating in a number of forum site or make use of web 2.0 methods such as Squidoo or Blogger can also greatly increase the number of back links to your website.

2) Keyword Density: For your affiliate marketing site to be ranked at the top ten search engine position, you have to write content that have at least 3 to 5% keyword density of your targeted keywords. This can help your affiliate marketing site gets better search engine position for those keywords you are interested in.

3) Content update: Beside the two above factors, if you have an affiliate marketing blog as your website. You have to make sure that your site must be constantly updated to get better search engine position. If your site is stagnant, you will not be ranked well.

As long as you keep on practicing the above 3 methods, I can assured you that you will be getting good search engine position for any affiliate marketing keywords you are targeting.

Now put this into practice and you will see your site at the top search engine position soon

5 Days Mini Audio Course: 5 Days Mini Course

About the Author:

Want to learn how you can Quit Your Day Job and become a Full Time Affiliate Marketer running your own Affiliate Marketing business like me, grab your FREE Internet Marketing Strategy Report and FREE Traffic Generation Audio Mini Courses here.

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Interview with a New York Web Design Company

Author: Scott Jason (c) 2008

As a Web optimization specialist I spend a good deal of time seeking out the best designers from around the country and around the world. We swap industry insider tips. They teach me about Web design and I show them how to get their beautiful sites to the top of Google, MSN and Yahoo. It's a match made in heaven. The most recent collaboration was a huge success that helped both of us get just what we wanted so we decided to publish our findings for anyone interested. That said; here is an interview with a New York Web design company.

What makes a New York Web design company any different from other Web design companies? That's easy... Competition. Just look at how many design firms there are out there and you will see what I mean! In the city or outside, someone seeking high quality Web design in New York faces hundreds of choices in an area of just a few city blocks. Now that's competition!

If you are not from the area it can be difficult to envision. This might help... Imagine typing "New York web design" into Google's search box and getting hundreds of pages with thousands of links of returns. Instead of clicking on those links however, you're walking into hundreds of offices; each offering their own unique flavor of Web design.

But, with the competition comes a competitive edge that is critical in a struggling economy. Of course we all want to look good on the Internet, but when you're competing with your real live neighbors in addition to those online; you have to step it up a notch.

With that said, I provide some inside advice from a successful New York Web design firm. Let's focus our attention on Website usability. This has the unfortunate distinction of being both the most important yet generally least considered aspect of design all too often and the Website owners suffer for the oversights.

First off, most people do not really read a Web page at first glance; they scan it to see if there is something worth actually reading. You need to get their attention right away and keep it. Here's how...

1.) Jump in with your most powerful content right off the bat. Grab their attention immediately and keep it. Don't save the best for last unless you have something nearly as good to lead the reader there.

2.) Make sure your functional areas are consistent, as much as possible, throughout your site. This is especially true of the navigation links (top, left, right, etc.) search fields, logins, and anything else needing user interaction. The more at ease your visitor feels working through the site, the more likely he or she is to stay for a while and go even deeper.

3.) Embed a link to your homepage within your company logo. This is expected by just about every site visitor who has been on the Web for any length of time. It's a safety net many users rely and to deny it could result in major inconvenience to your visitors.

4.) Add a search box in an easy to find, consistent location. And be certain it searches ONLY within your Website. Having a search feature that offers to "Search The Web" gives your visitors an invitation to leave your site. Why would you want that?

Secondly, keep in mind that search engines will also be looking at your site. Making it pretty is not enough. It needs to attract the search engine as much as live visitors if you ever expect those live visitors to find it in the first place. This is known as search engine optimization, or SEO. It's more complicated today than in years past but still quite doable. Here are three "must do" tasks for you to complete if you want your site on top of Google.

1.) Use keywords as anchor text (the visible clickable words) in your links throughout your page's content. This is huge! Allow me to demonstrate how powerful this one element can be.

Navigate to Google.com and conduct a search for the term "Clíck Here" (no quotes.) Take note of two things right away... Number one, there are more than 1.6 billion other (competing) Web pages. Number two, the top match returned is a link to Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Ready for a surprise? The term Clíck Here is not anywhere on the page text or META tags. The page is number one, out of 1.6 Billion pages, because thousands of Web pages supplying a link to Acrobat "Clíck Here" as their anchor text of choice. Amazíng, isn't it?

This is great news for you! You can easily take advantage of that power by linking to and from pages within your Website. Which leads us nicely into Tip number two...

2.) If you deem that SEO is a priority for your site, create a unique page for each of your main keywords. Just be sure to link the anchor text from each page to the page that has that specific keyword as its focus.

Industry Advice: If you are a blog specialist or Web designer by trade, offering SEO as part of your services is a natural fit that can double the value of your work, or more. With so many good SEO products available to help you get professional results with minimal effort, you can usually rely on reputation as a good indicator of potential success. For example, eBay, Motorola and Lexmark all stake their online success on a tool you can get for $250 at iBusinessPR0M0TER.com.

3.) Relevant anchor text should also be at the top of your mind when you are requesting inbound links from other sites. This is what Google uses as its strongest measurement to gauge the quality of your pages.

This is how you can build your brand using your words. Getting visitors there is only half the battle, keeping them is a whole different ballgame.

Now, similar to tip number 2, you want to request specific keywords be used in the anchor text leading to your pages from other sites. And be sure to request each link to the most appropriate page. Just linking to the homepage doesn't cut it anymore.

Warning: Avoid reciprocal link farms like the plague! They are so easy for Google to spot it's a joke.

If you are in need of quality links but don't have time to setup link partnerships yourself, you may want to try a service that facilitates "3 way linking" like the one at 3WayLinker.

It's very simple and really pretty ingenious. Here's how it works... Site 1 links to Site 2. Site 2" links to Site 3. And Site 3 links to Site 1 forming an indirect chain of one way links.

That's all for now. Good luck!

About The Author:
Article based on interview with David R. by Scott Jason. Premier New York Website Design is David Radovanovic's passion. After 10 years of success, in 2003 he opened WhatsTheBigIdea.com and more recently CreativeCrib.com . Want great graphic design in New York? See Dave.

Jumat, 22 Agustus 2008

T-Shirt Trend: Object Photo Tees

Just a little inspiration for the weekend T-shirt designers out there. I haven't seen a lot of tees like these, but love the basic design idea...black & white or two color photos of objects that let the T-shirt color come through. I could see this technique used for pets (dog breeds?), foods (foodie shirts), and other popular T-shirt categories.

With Cafepress' direct printing method, this technique would be easy to do with their light colored tees, and no need to make your image transparent.


Sunglasses Tee by Public Domain

Track Bike Tee from Homeroom Store

I love this Men's Foil Sneaker Tee by Public Domain, available at FredFlair.
Notice the gold areas are actual foil!

Men's Instant Camera Tee by Public Domain, available at FredFlair

Kamis, 21 Agustus 2008

Internet Scams- Detecting Scams Online

Author: Raymond Aremonkhae

These are some ways to detects internet scams before you fall victim.

1.) Lending scams – when you get proposals from lenders that promise you a very fast processor.

2) Gadget scams - selling gadgets like television sets, and cell phones at very low and attractive price. Items that are not yet available in the market may even be offered for sale and you normally receive so many posts in one advertisement

3) Receiving a message from a propose heir- Most scams find this the most attractive way to milk unsuspecting victims. Always watch out for mails where people solicit for your help to claim certain millions of dollars they inherited in returns to compensate you.

4.) Unknowingly Buying scam wherein they post a message to an existing advertisement that they have a close relation residing in your country and they wanted to buy your item.

5) Spam Emails- Emails you receive without your subscriptions mostly turn out to be spam mails. Senders of such mail use email extractor and spiders to extract multiple emails and send. Never reply to mails that you don’t subscribe to.

6) If the advertisement owner is asking you to pay through wired service like Western Union.

7) Always do a search for the company (Google search will come in handy here). If the company truly exists, more or less you can get some more information, just be more resourceful as some scams clone some website and use the name of existing companies for their trades. In any case before entering a site, first type (https://www instead of http://www) since https represents a secured site. Never enter a site without using the secured connection. If you find the company website, check if the advertisement product is on their product. Secured connections have some security features that scams find impossible to penetrate

8.) Always Inquire personal or business information from any of your prospective clients by using the country’s business directory or any personal verifiable means.

9) Try as much as possible to make a physical contact with the person, as most scams will take flight because they love to avoid physical contact.

10) Don’t be too over excited about any offer Most scams can be avoided if you take due diligence on your own part to do a proper research.

About the Author:

Raymond Adino

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