- One Man’s Goal was 4 months old
- Pagerank 4
- Over 10,000 backlinks
- 1,500 daily pageviews
- 750-1,000 daily unique visitors
- $941.27 Last Month
- SOLD for $8,500
Onemansgoal.com niche was about blog monetization. Traffic sources were mainly from social bookmarking sites, specially Stumble Upon. Monetization methods were from direct advertising, paid posts and adsense. Bryan Clark was so active and able to post one quality article per day. His writing style is original and able attract readers.
The blog was put on auction in site point and sold to Austin Long. You may be wondering why he put so much money in such young blog? Let me tell you that Austin was intelligent because he gained a loyal audience that he probably couldn't create it and his investment will give its fruits soon.