If you write an SEO article entitled "Loser Men," for example, you can create a basic subscribed link called "Loser Men" using the Google Basic Subscribed link wizard. This will attach an API and it will come up fourth in the search engine. Using the wizard is fast, easy and free. Just about anyone can do this who can manage to use a computer.
Basic subscriber links are for those who are creating an SEO article that does not change. There are Dynamic subscriber Links that can be created for websites that are ever changing. With Dynamic Subscriber Links, you use keywords or phrases to get people to come to your website through the Google Search engine.
It is important to realize that in order for anyone to pick up on your search, they have to subscribe to your subscribed links. Once you get subscribers, they can get your information on new articles or even additions to your website right away. Once they subscribe, your information will come up fourth in the search engines, which can generate an enormous amount of traffic to your articles or websites.
Whether you want to create a basic subscriber link or a dynamic subscriber link, you can do so easily with the user friendly Google tools. You can also get people to subscribe to your links by sending all of your customers and potential clients a link that they can click to subscribe. You can even put the link in a hyperlink in an article so that they automatically subscribe to your link.
Using Google super links is just another way to market your website or product for free using free tools available online. There is no limit to how you can use the super links once created. Once you have subscribers, which is not difficult to attain, they will automatically find your information first when doing a search on Google on anything of which you created a super link.
You can use forums and blogs as well as your SEO articles to get subscribers using hyperlinks. Once you get the hang of posting links throughout the internet to promote your content, the sky is the limit. Your promotion will only be limited to your imagination. And best of all, this advertising does not cost you anything!
Source : http://www.goSEOpro.com/