Jumat, 11 Agustus 2006

Putting your face on your online company: Should I attach my name to my online business?

In addition to seeing this topic pop up on the CafePress message boards, I've been having an ongoing discussion (offline, in real-life, face to face) with a new CafePress shopkeeper about whether or not he should make it known that his company is owned and operated by him and him alone.

His theory: Try to look like a big company with slick graphics, lots of corporate sounding talk on the "about us" page and then customers and other potential buyers (future business deals) will take him more seriously. In other words, try to look big, sound big, and operate behind the scenes.

My theory: Keep the slick graphics (I'm all for that) but be yourself. People like honesty and a face on a company...it builds their trust in you & your products. I just think that if you're polite and honest in your correspondence then people will take you every bit as seriously (if not more) as they do a big, faceless company.

The cyberspace that we call the internet has the potential to be nothing more than text & buttons & articles, images and ads. But on the other hand, it has the potential to be personal, real, informative, exciting and almost tangible like a hand shake or conversation between friends.

So I think the more we can make the internet like "real life" the more it can only help us in our online business as well. Engage your customers. Let them know you aren't just a faceless corporation, but a real person with a story to tell and no hidden agendas.

I say, go forth and make that "about us" page in your CafePress shop & tell your story. You'd be surprised at who will listen and, better yet, respond.

Don't get me wrong, you don't need to tell your life story or disclose personal life details or opinions. You can keep it business focused and still be yourself.

But to be fair, maybe there are cases where it's better to not have your name attached to your online business. What do you think?
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