1. The first step that you need to take when it comes to developing the best social media strategy is identifying those social media outlets that will be most beneficial to you or your business.
2. The next step that you need to take when it comes to developing the best social media strategy is to create a comprehensive social media plan. You do not want to embark on a social media endeavour without a road map.
3. When it comes to the best social media strategy, you will want to consult and visit with other people have been involved with social media in the past. You do not need to reinvent the wheel.
4. The fourth key step you need to understand when it comes to the best social media is the need to make sure you present yourself in the most positive light. Remember, when it comes to social media you are marketing yourself.
5. An when it comes to the best social media, you need to make sure that shore up to date on current trends that are associated with this line of communication. Keep in mind the Internet is always changing as is social media.
6. There are no social media consultants in business today. Depending on your own experience of the Internet and with social media you might want to call upon these experts to assist you in devising the best social media plan possible.
7. Finally, you will want to continually revise your social media strategies to make sure that their up to date and effective. Obviously, if you're going to be involved in social media you want to achieve your goals in the short rather than a long run.
Source : http://ezinearticles.com/?Best-Social-Media---7-Key-Steps-to-Make-a-Profit-With-Social-Media&id=686372