Rabu, 27 Februari 2008


  1. 2Prong.com - Just visit the site and a disposable address is auto-generated and saved to your clipboard for easy pasting.
  2. Dodgeit.com - For creating receive-only fake email addresses to help you fight spam.
  3. E4ward.com - Reusable aliases that you can get rid of at anytime you want.
  4. Emailias.com - Create as many disposable email addresses as you think you may need.
  5. GishPuppy.com - Create aliases as you please, have them forward to your normal address, figure out who is giving out your info.
  6. GuerrillaMail.com - Spam fighting email address that last only 15 minutes.
  7. MailExpire.com - Set up a temporary email address for anywhere from 12 hours to 3 months to keep spam out of your normal inbox.
  8. Mailnator.com - Don’t even have to sign up before creating an address, make any email address you like, use it where you fear spam, and check the inbox from their page.
  9. PookMail.com - Create a email address for 24 hours, and then never think of it again as it auto-deletes.
  10. Spam.la - Throw away addresses for site registrations.
  11. Spambox.us - Create a disposable address for 30 minutes to 1 year that will forward registration info to your normal inbox.
  12. Spamex.com - A highly regared site for generating disposable addresses for you to use to keep your real email address safe.
  13. Spamgourmet.com - Disposable email addresses to help in the non-stop war on spam.
  14. TempInbox.com - A free, receive-only temporary email address for you to use.
  15. ZoEmail.com - With a bit of management, you can make this disposable email account virtually spam free.

Source - mashable.com

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